The Center for Statistical Training

by Curran-Bauer Analytics

Statistical training in advanced quantitative methods for researchers in the social, health, and behavioral sciences.

Online Workshops

Accessible, effective, comprehensive training in statistics, data science, and research methods are just one click away.


Enrollment provides lifetime access to all course materials, including detailed course notes, lecture recordings, and applicable software demonstrations, all designed to support self-paced learning. Listed lengths represent approximate hours of lecture time, not inclusive of potential additional software demonstration videos. Get ideas for what to take next by considering our four curricular pathways.

Free Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling

Instructors: Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
16 hours

Latent Curve Modeling

Instructors: Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
12 hours

Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling

Instructors: Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
20 hours

Multilevel Models for Longitudinal Data

Instructors: Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
16 hours

Multilevel Models for Hierarchical Data

Instructors: Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
12 hours

Modern Missing Data Analysis

Instructor: Craig Enders
12 hours

Introduction to Mixture Modeling and Latent Class Analysis

Instructor: Dan Bauer
10 hours

Mixture Modeling and Latent Class Analysis

Instructors: Dan Bauer & Doug Steinley
20 hours

Applied Measurement Modeling

Instructors: Patrick Curran & Greg Hancock
16 hours

Causal Inference

Instructor: Doug Steinley
20 hours

Applied Qualitative Research

Instructors: Greg Guest & Emily Namey
20 hours

Machine Learning for Classification Problems

Instructor: Doug Steinley
12 hours

Machine Learning: Theory and Applications

Instructor: Doug Steinley
20 hours

Introduction to Sample Size Planning for Statistical Power

Instructor: Samantha Anderson
9 hours

Network Analysis

Instructor: Doug Steinley
20 hours

Applied Research Design Using Mixed Methods

Instructor: Greg Guest
8 hours

Introduction to Data Visualization in R

Instructor: Michael Hallquist
16 hours

Introduction to Quantitative Meta-Analysis

Instructor: Tasha Beretvas
16 hours

Analyzing Intensive Longitudinal Data

Instructors: J-P Laurenceau & Niall Bolger
20 hours

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