Patrick J. Curran, Ph.D.
Patrick Curran is a Professor in the L.L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Patrick has dedicated much of his career to the teaching and dissemination of advanced quantitative methods and has won awards in recognition of teaching excellence from UNC and from the American Psychological Association. Over the past 20 years, Patrick has taught over 100 national and international workshops on structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, latent curve analysis, longitudinal data analysis, and general linear modeling. Patrick’s program of research is primarily focused on the development and evaluation of statistical models of change over time, particularly as applied to studies of adolescent substance use. He thus draws on experiences from his own program of research on high-risk child development to guide and inform his quantitative teaching. He has published over 100 scientific papers and chapters and has co-authored a textbook on latent curve modeling with Ken Bollen. Patrick has served as Associate Editor for Psychological Methods and currently serves on the editorial boards of seven scientific journals. For more details, see his academic web page.